Thursday, December 27, 2007

中医怎样看病 TCM Diagnostic Methods















Student: How should we give treatment with traditional Chinese medicine?

Teacher: First, we should comprehend the disease through “the four diagnostic methods”, then we can make a comprehensive analysis, which wi1l enable us to differentiate “the eight principal syndromes” in accordance with etiology, location of diseased organ, pathology changes of "Wei, Qi, Ying, Xue" and body fluid, determine the property of syndrome, work out the principle of treatment, perform appropriate therapy and make proper prescription. This is called "type and treatment", which is the basic method and course in the diagnosis and treatment of disease by traditional Chinese medicine.

S: What are the "four diagnostic methods"?

T: The diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine are mainly by means of inspection, listening and sme11ing, inquiring and palpation. They are called the "four diagnostic methods" for short.

S: What is inspection?

T: Inspection is to make an objectives observation of the patient’s mental state, facial expression, complexion, physical condition, picture of the tongue and abnormal changes of excretions and secretions so as to predict the pathological changes of the internal organs and to understand the disease.

S:What is listening and smelling?

T: Listening and smelling is one of the four diagnostic methods by using the doctor's auditory and olfactory functions to differentiate the voice and smell given out by the patient. Listening and smelling is to judge mainly the voice high or low and odor, sour, foul, fishy or rotten to differentiate cold, heat, deficiency and excess.

S:And what about inquiring, then?

T:Inquiring is to ask the patient or his or her companion about the date and cause of onset, course of the disease, symptoms and other conditions necessary for differentiating the disease. This is one of the major methods for collecting materials for differentiation of disease.

S: Is feeling the pulse equal to palpation?

T: Palpation consists of two parts: feeling the pulse and taking the pulse. Taking or feeling patient's pulse, chest, abdomen, skin, hand and foot all pertain to the category of palpation.

S: It is rather difficult to grasp the pulse condition!

T: Palpation is the precious experience which has been accumulated over a long period of time in the practice of the predecessors. From the changes of pulse, we will be able to predict sthenia and asthenia of“ Yin Yang”of the body, growth and decline of body and the pathogenic factor.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


你好, 我是小何, 欢迎你来到我的部落客。

我生于一个叫波列的国家,在这片国土上医生占了全国总人口百分之四十左右。他们包括了西医, 中医, 不中不西医, 神医, 巫医, 庸医, 江湖之士等种各不同流派的医生。竟管如此, 整个波列国的病人也占了全国总人口百分之八十。(在此暂时不谈原因)

小何从小体弱多病, 看过很多的医生才平平安安地长大成人。高中毕业后, 本想当一名外科医生, 无奈何母反对此志向, 后来在波列国首都完成了四年的多媒体电脑设计文凭课程,十年当中跌跌撞撞, 当过朝九晚五的皮股不离椅子的上班一族, 也曾经当过工作压力超大的市场行销人员, 正所谓 "竹外桃花三两枝, 春江水暖鸭先知", 作为那只到处吃过了夜粥的先知先觉, 超劳过度鸭子, 我深深地体会到金钱诚可贵, 人生的健康价更高!

在写这个文章时, 我巳经是一个中医针灸治疗师了, 这几年学医术的日子里正好遇上了远在鱼米之乡(故乡) 的公公、婆婆、大伯、小叔等人相继在三年内因病误治而逝; 加上近日听到十分疼爱我和弟弟的舅母也患上了肺痈, 听信江湖之士, 每日以百花蛇舌草加夏楛草煮水代水服, 情况令人担心。所以立下一生的宏志, 誓要当一位医术高明的中医师。

一般的波列国医生只采取非常被动的方式去治疗病人, 病人只要说有病, 医生会很开心地开药方给病人, 从不仔细关心病人的生活方式, 及研究致病的因素。小何的一个同学在开业以后, 生意蒸蒸日上, 病人多如汗毛, 在一次的交谈中, 他说: "病人一来, 不管你会不会医, 一定要给药, 而且千万不要一次过医好他们, 这样的话, 他们才会继续双手献上白花花的银子多见你几次; 再说你也不必纠正他们的生活方式, 如果人人都健康, 我们行医之人吃谷种罗!"

小何也想起豪邁不羈的李老师中风之前所说过的一些话, 他说, " 吸烟对身体有益, 它是一种气功, 吞吞吞吐吐, 锻练丹田!...... 高胆固醇, 不怕! 鸡屁股一次吃十个, 我都不怕…总之舞照跳, 马照跑, 吃就是福!” 他老人家中風之后还面不改色地说"老天爺对我也不错了, 我的右手还可以为全身扎针治中风也! "直到他临终时, 他才一改平时的优默态度, 向我们这几个初出茅廬的学生说出肺腑之言, "不是中医不行, 医不好我, 而是我的态度害了自己, 你们出去的时候, 切记要多体谅病人的痛苦, 教大家养生之术, 不要只管着荷包, 对病人要谦虚、对疾病要谦虚、对大自然要谦虚! 还有每年忌日不要忘了给我送上中国长寿牌香烟一包及海南白斩鸡屁股十个, 不然我可会半夜来找你们读《黄帝内经》。"

学医的路上遇上了很多值得回味的事, 希望可以有钱报读狮子岛的七年中医內科国际学士学位, 一切都是为了精益求精, 希望可以在有生之年可以成为上工以治未病。同时, 我也希望这个部落客可以成为一个沟通的平台。 全世界千千万万的人, 包括我的家人, 亲戚朋友, 可以从中了解我在波列国的一千零一个故事, 故事中也会穿插一些养生保健的贴士, 也欢迎各界西医, 中医, 营养师, 能量医学家, 另类疗法医师, 气功师多留言, 和我讨论及切磋有关课题。

但願在新的一年里, 大家都有健康的身体, 来实现心中的理想!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Cordyceps Fungus on other insects

Cordyceps sinensis is a species of fungus found in southwest, mountainous China that attacks caterpillars, specifically the larvae of hepialid moths (identified as species of Hepialus or Thitarodes). The caterpillars feed on the roots of trees and shrubs on the slopes of the Himalayas. When infected by C. sinensis, the bug's entire body cavity is filled by the fungus mycelium, killing the host, and the caterpillars die near the tops of their burrows. A dark brown, finger-like stroma sprouts near their heads. The entire fungus-caterpillar combination is hand-collected for medicinal use.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cordyceps Sinensis - The Ultimate Anti-Aging Medicine!!

Cordyceps sinensis is a type of fungus that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Cordyceps is also known as Chinese catepillar fungus, because it is a parasite that grows on the Tibetan caterpillar until the caterpillar dies, at which point it sprouts a mushroom.

The Chinese have long used cordyceps to promote overall good health, and modern research indicates that cordyceps does indeed support liver, kidney, heart, and immune system function. It also appears to act as an antioxidant in the body, protecting it from free radical damage.

Cordyceps sinensis has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.Scientists have isolated two chemical constituents in cordyceps, (deoxyadenosine) and cordycepic acid (mannitol), which are thought to be the active compounds that increase sex drive. These same compounds are also thought to improve lung function and increase energy levels; it is well known that Chinese athletes use cordyceps to help increase their stamina and endurance. It has been theorized that cordyceps enhances athletic performance because it helps it increases blood flow and oxygen supplies throughout the body, which helps the heart, lungs, and other organs function more efficiently. In one study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers reported that athletes who took 4.5 grams of cordyceps daily for six weeks had double the rate of oxygen intake as those in the placebo group.

Cordyceps gathered in the wild, particularly in the Tibetan regions, is thought to be the most medicinally potent. You can buy wild cordyceps in some Chinese specialty stores, still attached to the caterpillar. However, this form is expensive, and costs up to $10 a gram.Dietary supplements containing cordyceps are a safer and less-expensive alternative, and are not associated with any significant side effects.

please click here for more article about Cordyceps.

Cordyceps supplement is available at our research center, contact us at








探究此一原因,他們除了超乎體能的強化訓練、激發潛能外,正是使用「馬家軍的秘密飲料」— 冬蟲夏草:有效增強體力、迅速恢復疲勞,幫助運動員迭創體能佳績。

Inducing Health With Ganoderma Lucidum 灵芝-滋补强壮、固本扶正的珍贵中草药

Ganoderma Lucidum is a polypore mushroom with medicinal properties which promote natural health. It is known as Lingzhi in China and as Reishi in Japan. Mushrooms belong to fungi family of Plant Kingdom and Ganoderma has the highest ranking in the world of Mushrooms.

Many variations of this mushroom are now available in market branded as Ganoderma but they may or may not have complete medicinal properties that are available in Ganoderma Lucidum.

Ganoderma is a gift of nature and has been available for thousands of years in different parts of the world. Earlier ganoderma was collected from wild. This wild ganoderma didn’t had uniform characteristics and quantity wasn’t enough.

Production Background of Ganoderma Lucidum

1970 China and Japan successfully planted Ganoderma in laboratory using spore separation cultivation method.
1975 Commercial production in Japan .
1980 Commercial production in Taiwan .
1983 Commercial production in Malaysia

Currently spore separation method under controlled conditions is being used in most of the production houses world wide. This ensures a consistent production of high quality Ganoderma.

Traditional Application of Ganoderma Extracts

Anti Allergic
Anti inflammatory
Anti bacterial
Anti oxidant
Anti Viral
Lowers blood pressure
Enhances bone marrow
Cardiotonic action
Sedative and Muscle relaxant
Enhanced natural cell activity
Expectorant and antitussive properties
Immuno stimulation
Anti HIV activity
Improved adrenocortical function
Liver protective and detoxifying effects
Protection against ionising radiation
Cholesterol-lowering properties
Antiulcer activity

Contact us at to order Sun Ten Ganoderma Lucidum Supplement

灵芝又称灵芝草、神芝、芝草、仙草、瑞草,不死草,日本人稱之為「吉祥茸」,是多孔菌科植物赤芝 Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss. ex. Fr.) Karst. 或紫芝 Ganoderma japonicum (Fr.) Lloyd 的全株。灵芝原产于亚洲东部: 台灣、中國大陸、日本等地。灵芝自古以来就被认为是吉祥、富贵、美好、长寿的象征,有“仙草”、“瑞草”之称,中华传统医学长期以来一直视为滋补强壮、固本扶正的珍贵中草药。

灵芝一般生长在湿度高且光线昏暗的山林中,主要生长在腐树或是其树木的根部,而不是像一些文艺作品中介绍的长在松柏的枝上。灵芝不是植物,自身不能进行光合作用,只能从其他有机物或是腐树中摄取养料。灵芝是一种坚硬、多孢子和微带苦涩的菌类植物。当达到成熟期的灵芝就会喷出粉状的孢子,从而进行繁殖。现在野生的灵芝已经很少见,大多数都是人工种植的。在台灣及日本,專門研究靈芝人工种植的組織或機構,已接近 20 年多,數十位科學家仍然繼續不斷進行研究。靈芝對身體的效用,特別是抗癌,已得到充分的理據及實驗支持。





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