Sunday, October 3, 2021



一直以来,老人上门看病都会抓紧最后的时间,十分淡定地说:“ I have a personal issue, ED ”。 无论是什么种族,跟着来的儿女、媳妇,或者女婿都会被老人吓到一下, 有些甚至听到“私人问题”的话刚落下, 马上转过身,跑去阳台看风景;反应迟钝的,回避不了就希望旁边有个洞,马上跳下去,当着没有听到。所幸,我见过大场面没有被吓到。

讲英文的就会直接说,ED, you know?
1. 我的兰焦不会硬!(草根派)
2. 我的下面。。。好像。。(含蓄派)
3. 我的玉茎无法一柱擎天 (文学派)
4. 我是很强的,不是不会硬,只是还想要更强( 东山再起派)

因为已经不是第一次听到这些要求,我反而比病人更加淡定, 通常接下来,老人就会深深的吐了一口气, 好像终于找到了可以听懂他们心声的人。一般上,人们都认为70 - 80多岁的老人还想要什么?是的,有关老人的性自主权,在保守东方社会还是处于一种比较难以启齿的敏感的话题,人们不太愿意讨论,也不知道从何谈起。 也就是因为这样,会闹出很多悲剧。

我听过这样的故事, 一位久病卧床的老爷子开始神志不清、循衣摸床,有回光返照的现象。老爷子快要去世的前一天对 女儿说,很想念去世己久的太太, 最近一直梦见穿上漂亮衣裳的太太。于是,女儿和看护谈好条件,希望她穿上妈妈身前的衣服和老爸在漆黑的房间睡一晚,女儿告诉看护,反正老爸已经是垂死的老人,不会构成强奸这种事,最多就是亲亲和抱抱的举动。结果看护二话不说马上答应了。 也就是这样, 这两个女人成功完成老爷子心愿,把他送往另一个世界。 就只是睡一晚,老人安详离世, 脸上一点痛苦都没有。

第2个故事,发生在我朋友那边,她的父母是一对十分恩爱的老夫妻。 有一天女儿无意中发现爸爸悄悄带失痴的妈妈去看妇科。她在猜测,这不对呀?怎么会去看妇科,不是走去看脑科?后来“私下侦察”,才发现妈妈好像隐瞒阴道发炎的事。 经过一番顺藤摸瓜, 她发现原来父母亲那么“劲”,活到老,做到老!做太多出问题了, 却好像小孩子,不知道怎么处理。现在她比较难去跟父母沟通,也很难跟他们了解,到底用了什么劣等的情趣用品造成感染, 同时也是很担心父亲到底在外面买些什么壮阳药来吃, 害怕影响他的健康。

第3个故事比较鬼扯, 有一个朋友给我寄了好几段辣眼睛的视频, 好像是发生在台湾的。某人家里请了外籍看护,本来老爷子每天都在盘算着什么时候进棺材,日子过得十分消极。不过,自从来了个年轻又有爱心的菲律宾看护,老爷子身体越来越硬朗了!某天家人在闭路电视里看到不应该看到的“活动”。看护与老爷子上演“十八般武艺”, 我看到其中一招“老汉推车”,Pui~ 真的体力超好了,年轻人都认输了。不过, 这种事太激烈,也要提防 马上风的危险性呀!

在普通人的眼里,认为老人还每天想着那种事,是太过分了?不晓得你们是否认为残障人士、智商低、中风瘫痪以及老人是不是不能够拥有性的主自权? 你们认为老人不健康,身体有很多疾病,更不应该享受性生活? 身体无法活动自如的人,是否让别人帮忙发泄性欲是不能够被大众接受的提议?

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中药 #中医 #谦和堂 #性自主权 #老年人 

Monday, September 20, 2021

小何中医杂谈第49集 : 如何理性地看待打疫苗,一起来看新冠疫苗好处与坏处 Rational discussion Pros and Cons of mandatory vaccination in Malaysia

Rethink the Pros and Cons of Covid-19 vaccination. A rational discussion about mandatory vaccination in Malaysia. 


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中药 #中医 #谦和堂  #新冠病毒 #新冠肺炎 #疫苗 #Covid19 #Vaccine #Homodesty #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

小何中医杂谈第48集 :慈禧光绪逃亡轶事 Empress Dowager Cixi’s anecdote during the escape from Forbidden city


In the anecdote of Empress Dowager Cixi's escaped from Forbidden city, there was a very common Chinese herb that saved her life. Let's us looked at what happened to Cixi during her trip to Pingyao.  

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#谦和堂 #中医 #中药 #Homodesty #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs 

Friday, September 3, 2021

中医美容 Lesson 17 : 你的神奇面膜为什么可以让整张脸发亮?Beware of toxic ingredients in face mask that brighten your skin instantly.


Beware of those facial mask that claims to make your face glow instantly. You never know what kind of dangerous ingredients hidden in it. 

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中药 #中医美容 #谦和堂

Friday, August 20, 2021

My opinion on Covid-19 vaccine: reflections on natural and passive immunity (Part 4)


But if the media is heading towards a one-sided approach, distorted the facts, misled or suppressing the voice of the other, then we will doubt the motive behind those mainstream media. So I hope you will spend more time searching, analyzing and understanding. You will soon find that there is no mechanical answer that can answer how this world operates.

I know in some countries, people have to take into reality consideration, not everyone can manage their health very well because of poverty. In order to pay attention to the interests of the whole, vaccines are the cheapest method to restart the economy. People can only think of the present when they still can work. It is unquestionable that hunger and poverty will definitely limit the visualization and planning for the future.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Covid19 #coronavirus #Homodesty #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Pandemic

My opinion on Covid-19 vaccine: reflections on natural and passive immunity (Part 3)


In Western countries, at least 40%-50% of the population opposes mandatory vaccination. The Mainstream media described those anti-vaccine people as insane people who believe in conspiracy theories. But if you study carefully, you will find that the voices of a group of scientists are completely muted. In fact, in addition to vaccines, we have to know, our body's immune system is a natural and powerful weapon against viruses.

In front of us, one is natural and the other is artificial immunity. My intention is not to influence you to be anti-vaccine, but to inspire you to think of what is happening now. You have to continue reading to learn, to analyse, to understand more.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Covid19 #coronavirus #Homodesty #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Pandemic

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My opinion on Covid-19 vaccine: reflections on natural and passive immunity (Part 2)

Regardless of the advantages of  vaccines, it is still an artificial immunization method; regardless of the antiviral medicines invented in the future, in the end, it depends on our own immune function. There is a Chinese Medicine Quote: Treat the symptoms of the disease when it is urgent, treat the root of the cause when the disease is not severe. Indeed, vaccines are a method of curing the symptoms, not the disease. After being vaccinated, the artificially stimulated antibodies will slip off within a period of time. And I think, what people should do is to manage a healthy lifestyle. Another Chinese Medicine Quote mentioned: When there is sufficient healthy Qi inside, pathogenic factors have no way to invade the body. The healthy Qi symbolizes our strong immune system.

Helpless, the mainstream media unanimously emphasized that the only antidote for human beings is vaccines. Especially in Eastern society, people have implanted a conventional mindset that people who do not get vaccines are very dangerous and selfish people. But no one even said, if a healthy person has very high antibodies does not need to be vaccinated; a person who has been infected with Covid-19, who has recovered well also does not need a vaccine. These are facts, supported by scientific research.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Covid19 #coronavirus #Homodesty #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Pandemic

My opinion on Covid-19 vaccine: reflections on natural and passive immunity (Part 1)


Vaccine can be considered as a kind of medicine, it is a kind of genetic medicine, used to stimulate the body to produce response. At present, there is no sameness answer to our knowledge of the new vaccine for Covid-19. For example, we still don’t know the protective power of vaccines, and what kind of side effects will occur in the future, but we still have to use them for undue haste.

What we can know at present is the need for a booster vaccine after two doses of vaccines. In the days to come, for sure there will be third and fourth doses in order to deal with various variant viruses. If the first two doses are not effective, why don't people think of the reason why vaccines are not effective? Maybe we have to face the reality that, in the boundless universe, viruses also have their own little world, is it possible for humans to eliminate them? Don't forget that there are many bacteria and viruses that coexist inside the human body. Their coexistence and death are related to maintaining our health.

It is definitely good news for pharmaceutical companies by convincing people to get more doses of vaccines. But not necessarily for us. We don't know if the jab will eventually mess up our natural immunity.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Covid19 #coronavirus #Homodesty #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Pandemic

Sunday, August 15, 2021

中医美容 Lesson 16 (ENG SUB CC) : Learn head massage in 5 mins 五分钟内教你头皮按摩

头皮按摩的神奇功效就是能够直接对脑干下指令,平衡自主神经,调节五脏六腑, 乃至四肢百骸。 由于疫情期间,针对没有办法出门针灸的病人、或呆在家里面,压力太大,情绪波动而无法放松的人,我提出头皮按摩, 通过头皮上的大脑反射区、中医的经络与穴位理论, 把脑电波调整到相对平衡的状态,进入“微静坐”境界,你只需要用手指轻松的按摩就能够“微调整”大脑和谐的运作。

以往这只是一套古代牛角梳头术, 我把它整理成为一个很简单的头皮按摩术。以往只是教导病人用来消除脸上黑斑、或用于 辅助针灸的效,让中风后遗症的病人在家自己按摩, 改善肢体运动不协调等修复神经受损问题。

希望在疫情严峻的时刻,我这套的头皮按摩能够帮助你们在家做个小保健。 如果你在进行头皮按摩后,发现身体有很好的改善, 欢迎你和我们分享你的成功故事,谢谢!

This is a tutorial video to teach you a very simple head massage for improve overall health such as reduce stress level, improve sleeping quality, increase vitality, balance mood, fade off dark spots and firm up aging skin.

The head massage, or scalp massage has many school of teaching, there are many theories that make it very complicated to master. Not only meridian and acupoint theories, but also the cerebral cortex function in the projection area on the scalp surface also making massage beginner feels very difficult to learn.

My tutorial video makes very thing easy and simple, it won't cause any side effect if you press the wrong acupoint. Learning head massage is a very enjoyable and relax moment, I am very happy to share my knowledge with all of you, enjoy!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中药 #中医 #谦和堂 #头皮按摩 #穴位指压 #Homodesty #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Headmassage #Scalpmassage #Brain

Friday, July 30, 2021


坊间有很多所谓治疗新冠肺炎的中药配方,其中包括连花清瘟胶囊。 无论你打算是用哪一款来进行自我治疗,都要很小心处理, 我们最担心的就是病情逆转,病毒反扑的危险性。疫情期间,一切还是小心一点,不要胡乱服药才是明智的防疫行动。


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中医中药 #谦和堂 #中医皮肤科 #新冠肺炎 #新冠病毒 

小何中医特集 -- 西藏山里山外谈笑间(第四集)



* 影片中个子娇小玲珑的女生叫“静慧”,她就是我们的领队,自第一次到西藏旅游,她就爱上了西藏这片净土。于是,她毅然离开职场,走进拉萨大学当学生,学习两年的藏语,只为了更贴近心中的西藏。自藏大毕业后,她开始带领有缘人继续游走于雪域高原。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏 #中国旅行

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lesson 45 : Herbal sachet for anti-pandermic, Chinese herbs and acupuncture for recovery of Covid-19

In this video, I am going to share with all of you, the usage of Chinese medicine aromatherapy knowledge in creating herbal sachet for anti-pandemic. In the second session, I will recommend the Chinese herbal soup and acupuncture points for promoting the rapid recovery of Covid-19. 
If you need any personalized Chinese medicine supplements for improving health during the pandemic period. Please don't feel hesitate to contact me. Stay safe, stay healthy and take care.

Company address :
Ho Modesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Epidemic #Pandemic

Monday, July 12, 2021

吃了谦和堂中药保健品,大量黑色头发长出来了!New black hairs grow back after intake of Chinese Herbs

New black hairs grow back after intake of Homodesty's Chinese medicine supplement 

老人家吃了一段时间的中药,会出现“ 还老返童”的现象, 几乎10个老人里面,有7、8个都会长出乌黑色的头发。

7 or 8 out f 10 old people who had been taken my herbal supplement for sometimes will notice there are some black hairs growing back.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#中医中药 #谦和堂 #白发 #中医皮肤科 #Homodesty #greyhair #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #aging

Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂 Rm 50 / 瓶 -- 限时抢购 :7月31日之前下单

 Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂 Rm 50 / 瓶 -- 限时抢购 :7月31日之前下单

大家是不是很久没有去日本旅行了? 今天为大家带来两款 Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂,让大家

1. 绿茶香气
2. 樱花香气
Promotion price Rm 50/瓶

这两款 Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂的味道不会让人嗅了很头晕, 它和一般的香水不一样的是能够振奋精神,放松心情,舒解压力,不只是用在身上,也能够用在周围的物件和房间,同时还能够去除异味。 只需要轻轻的喷两下,整个房间的氛围都不一样了!用过就知道Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂的味道是多么地梦幻!

使用方法很简单,可以喷在冷气、枕头、床单、沙发及房间任何一个角落。 也可以在洗澡之后,喷在身体及头发上。


存货有限,全马发货, 赶快找我下单,以免向隅!

Retail price 约 Rm 89 - 130
谦和堂 Promotion price Rm 50/瓶


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #FMCO #elizabetharden#香水

Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist (Promotion until 31July 2021) Rm 50

Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist (Promotion until 31July 2021) Rm 50

Staying at home for a long time? Feeling bore and stress recently? Thinking of travel to overseas? How about imaging the amazingand secretive aroma and scents from Japan? Let me introduce you Elizabeth Arden's fine fragrance mist to enlighten your FMCO life at home.

2 types of fine fragrance mist to choose :
1. Green tea
2. Cherry blossom

Each bottle 236ml, Cosider very big portion.
Promotion price Rm 50/bottle (discounted at least 40 to 50 %)

The aroma of Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist will not make people feel dizzy. Our fragrance mist can invigorate, relax mood, and relieve stress. They can be sprayed not only on body, but also works as a natural air freshener. Once you have used it, you will know how dreamy the scent of Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist is! The method of application is very simple. It can be sprayed to pillows, bed sheets, sofa and any corner of the room. It can also be sprayed on the body and hair after bathing.

This is a rare opportunity for me to sell frangrace mist here. It is because I have a friend who sponsored this promotional event just for my herbal center's customers.

The products are directly imported from the original factory,  and the good news is we make it half the price cheaper than the retail price of the flagship store.

Retail price Rm 89 - 130
Homodesty Promotion price Rm 50/bottle

Limited stock, first come first served, private message me to get a bottle as soon as possible, thank you!

Express delivery within Malaysia.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #FMCO #elizabetharden #Fragrance

天气病 - 酸麻,僵硬不适,疼痛 Pain that related to weather

天气转成又阴又湿,大雨下个不停时, 很多人就会开始觉得颈项肩膀和腰骨酸麻僵硬不适,甚至疼痛。日本医学专家研究,把这种现象称为“天气病”,中医从古至今,观察了这个现象数千年,我们把它叫做“风湿痹病”。特别是骨头曾经受伤的中年人,或没有好好治疗,留下手尾的老人,只要有空针灸一下,一周运动三次,多晒太阳吸收阳气,吃中药调理三四个月就会全身筋脉舒畅,疼痛感没有了!

When the weather turns cloudy and humid, or when heavy rain comes, many people will start to feel muscle stiffness , numbness, discomfort, and even pain in the neck, shoulders and back bones. 

Japanese medical experts have researched and called this phenomenon "weather disease". Traditional Chinese medicine has observed this phenomenon for thousands of years. We call it "Wind & Humid Bi Syndromes".  Bi syndrome (numbness) is caused by pathogenic Wind, Cold, Dampness or Heat leading to obstructions of the meridians and sluggish circulation of qi and Blood.

Especially the middle-aged people who have suffered bone injuries, or the elderly who didn't get proper treatment, leaving long hand and tail (literlization), the discomfort and pain are very difficult to describe. However, if they have time for acupuncture and moxibustion, exercise three times a week, get more exposure to the sun to absorb Yang energy , and take Chinese medicine supplement for a program of 3 to 4 months, they will feel the pain gradually dissappear and feel energetic again.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #Backpain #Rheumatism #CervicalSpondylosis #FrozenShoulder #numbness #RheumaticDisorder

#谦和堂 #风湿病 #腰酸背痛 #颈椎病 #手脚麻痹 #中医中药 

小何中医特集 -- 西藏食物与自制糌粑(第三集)

小何中医特集 -- 西藏食物与自制糌粑(第三集)

刚刚抵达拉萨就有好几位团友马上出现高原反应,休息了两天大家的元气才缓了过来,开始品尝西藏美食。 这个视频将会带大家认识一下西藏糌粑的自制过程。

青稞:据《本草拾遗遗》 》记载:青稞,下气宽中、壮精益力、除湿发汗、止泻。藏医典籍《晶珠本草》更把青稞作为一种重要药物,用于治疗多种疾病。 人参果:又名蕨麻,藏语名“戳马”谓之“吉祥食物”,意为长生不老之果。蕨麻性平味甘,具有健脾益胃、生津止渴、收敛止血、益气补血等功效,适用于腹泻、脾虚、病后贫血、痔疮出血、营养不良、脾肾阳虚等病症。 我是沙巴的谦和堂小何中医,提供网上问诊、客制化中药保健品,精准调配中药以符合各别体质,吃了不寒不热不上火。谦和堂诊所提供改善皮肤问题、美白祛斑护的中药护肤品,除外,还有针对体弱多病、疲劳乏力等大病初愈问题进行调理,欢迎大家随时联络我,,谢谢支持!   * 影片中个子娇小玲珑的女生叫“静慧”,她就是我们的领队,自第一次到西藏旅游,她就爱上了西藏这片净土。于是,她毅然离开职场,走进拉萨大学当学生,学习两年的藏语,只为了更贴近心中的西藏。自藏大毕业后,她开始带领有缘人继续游走于雪域高原。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏美食 #中国旅行 #糌粑

小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之雪域天路 (第二集)

 小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之雪域天路 (第二集)

在列车上遇到一个很有趣的小哥, 有一位马来西亚的大哥竟然把他称为“师父”, 其实这位小哥根本都不是开火车的,好不好?看回西藏旅行这些素材, 逐渐觉得自己好喜欢拍人物的特写,比如说拍一个人的一天,拍人与人之间的互动,重新再听一遍当时的对白,也会让自己陷入回忆当中,回味好几遍也不会腻哦! 第2集主要是在列车上听小哥讲解雪域天路建造的一段历史和“业副”。 我是沙巴的谦和堂小何中医, 是个喜欢到处趴趴走,探索世界的中医师。目前提供网上问诊、客制化中药保健品,精准调配中药以符合各别体质,吃了不寒不热不上火。 谦和堂诊所提供改善皮肤问题、美白祛斑护的中药护肤品,除外,还有针对体弱多病、疲劳乏力等大病初愈问题进行调理,欢迎大家随时联络我,,谢谢支持! Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容 #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏 #中国旅行 #青藏列车

小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之青藏列车初体验 (第一集)

 小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之青藏列车初体验 (第一集)

从西藏回来后一直都很想把沿途拍摄的影片剪辑, 现在终于有时间好好地回忆起西藏旅行所遇到的人与事。 让我从头说起,我们是从成都坐火车上拉萨的, 这样的旅程安排有很多好处,不但可以慢慢地适应高原反应, 而且还能体验那种坐火车,慢慢进入西藏的兴奋心情!在青藏列车里,大概要花一天一夜的时间, 虽然在狭窄的火车厢里呆着,心里还是很期待,希望马上就到达西藏。虽然很多人告诉我们,这个距离天堂最靠近的圣地会让我们增添许多不确定性和惊喜, 不过我们还是勇敢接受挑战。没想到在列车里竟然发生了一件可怕的事...... ,影片有记录到哦~ 这次的旅行人数不多,大家都是年龄相符的中年人,12天相处下来都相当融洽,至今我们还成为很好的朋友呢! 希望你们会喜欢这个影片!谢谢大家的支持,我是你们的小何中医! * 影片中个子娇小玲珑的女生叫“静慧”,她就是我们的领队,自第一次到西藏旅游,她就爱上了西藏这片净土。于是,她毅然离开职场,走进拉萨大学当学生,学习两年的藏语,只为了更贴近心中的西藏。自藏大毕业后,她开始带领有缘人继续游走于雪域高原。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏 #中国旅行 #青藏列车

Psoriasis treatment by our Chinese medicine supplement 短短三个星期里稳定了牛皮癣

This is a testimonial showed how I improve terrible Psoriasis condition in just 3 weeks. Chinese herbs really help to repair damaged skin, improve dryness, itchiness, red patches, dropping scales etc. With our customer's cooperation, patient and confidence, I will definitely help them to get the best result.

Homodesty Consultancy is a herbal center that specialised in treating chronic and acute skin diseases by 100% Chinese medicine. We ship our customised herbal products all over the world. Please feel free to contact us, thank you.

最糟糕的情况已经过去了,小何中医在短短三个星期里稳定了皮肤干燥、发炎发红、脱皮与瘙痒问题。中药不但改善皮肤状况有很好的效果,而且完全没有副作用。十分感谢病人对中医信赖,能帮到你是小何中医的福气 😊😁👍 谦和堂是一间专门处理棘手皮肤病的中医中心。现在提供网上咨询服务,客制化中药保健品邮寄世界各地,欢迎订购,谢谢!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
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#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #skinallergy #SensitiveSkin #skindiseases #dermatology #Psoriasis #ezcema #中医 #中药 #皮肤病 #瘙痒 #脱皮 #谦和堂 #牛皮癣 #银屑病

Monday, May 3, 2021

第40集 (CHI Sub CC) :Year 1999 College moment and friendship 突然之间想念以前的朋友与以前念学院的日子

那已经是20年前的事了, 现在反而有感而发,突然之间想念以前的朋友, 想念以前念学院的日子。 很多人可能不知道我以前是念广告设计艺术学院的, 现在就讲一讲,当初从沙巴去到吉隆坡念书的一点点小故事。

毕业后,又去中医学院念书,这个阶段所接触到的朋友又不一样了。 人生最有趣的地方就是在很年轻时,能够多接触到不同文化及教育背景的人, 虽然理想及世界观不一样,但是彼此都能够尊重乌包容,我们在改变世界时,也要随时修正自己的观点,重新认识自己与世界。

This video is all about my college moment with friends in Kuala Lumpur. It was something happened 20 years ago, but now I suddenly miss all my friends during the college time. Some of you might not know that I used to study in an art & design college, it was my very first time moving from a small town to a big city - Kuala Lumpur for further studies. That was the year of 1999. 

After graduated from art school, I noticed there was some kind of  calling to ask me to study Chinese Medicine as career. That was how my journey started to mix around with people from all walks of life. 

The most interesting part of life is that when we were young, we tended to have more opportunities to get in touch with people from different cultures and education backgrounds. 

Although our perceptions and worldviews are different, we need to respect and tolerate each other. When we want to change the world, we must always know the distance between ourselves and the world .

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#Homodesty #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #cosmetology #Friends #College
#中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #朋友 #艺术学院 

Friday, March 5, 2021

中医美容 Lesson 15 : Beware of dangerous facial mask with heavy metals 重金属面膜很毒吗?效果真的那么好吗?


中医美容  Lesson 15 :  Beware of dangerous facial mask with heavy metals 重金属面膜很毒吗?效果真的那么好吗?

你们知道吗? 市场上有一些面膜含重金属。这些面膜的祛斑效果很强, 短期间内可以让你们看到很好的效果, 但是隐藏在背后的副作用,又有多少人真正了解呢? 本期视频带大家来了解一下有关重金属护肤品对皮肤和人体的危害!

Today we will talk about the facial mask with heavy metals. Those masks are effective in removing your dark spots, they are dangerous but to some people, they might don't know the long term side effects. Come and learn a bit more about facial mask. Get some basic knowledge when selecting facial mask wisely. 

If you are interested to use a Chinese herbal mask, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will ship our products to you, it is international free shipping. 

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.  

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814

#中医美容 #中药 #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #面膜 #Chineseherbs #Dermatology #Chinesemedicine #Mask #homodesty 

Monday, March 1, 2021

小何中医杂谈第38集 : 你知道为什么家花不比野花香吗?


小何中医杂谈第38集 : 你知道为什么家花不比野花香吗?

亲~又到了我们上视频的时候了, 这个视频和大家聊一聊,为什么外面的女人总比老婆更加有趣? 为什么人们常说家花不比野花香? 到底外面的狐狸精有怎样的魅力让男人为她们着迷?

人妻只要掌握这几招,包你的男人每天准时回家!单身女子学上手之后,包你所向无敌, 任何男人都逃不开你的魔掌!


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814

#中医美容 #中药保健品 #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #外遇 #小三

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

小何中医杂谈第37集 (Eng Sub CC) :简单介绍食疗汤方传统文化与保健美容 Chinese soup - the secret of good skin and great health

An simple introduction of Chinese soup for improve general health and good skin.  Contact us for the purchase of our Chinese herbal beauty soup that rapidly improve your skin health. The soup pack is time saving and easy to cook. 

欢迎询问谦和堂美容滋补汤包,不寒不热, 方便准备、节省时间, 有美容养颜、补血补气、滋阴补肾功效

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814

E-mail :

#中医美容 #广东汤 #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Homodesty #soup 

Monday, February 22, 2021

第36集 (ENG Sub CC): 回忆!18岁去吉隆坡念书的那些事 When I was 18 years old, my studies in Kuala Lumpur

Remembering the past memories when I was 18 years old.


Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容 #中药 #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #Homodesty #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicines