Monday, May 3, 2021

第40集 (CHI Sub CC) :Year 1999 College moment and friendship 突然之间想念以前的朋友与以前念学院的日子

那已经是20年前的事了, 现在反而有感而发,突然之间想念以前的朋友, 想念以前念学院的日子。 很多人可能不知道我以前是念广告设计艺术学院的, 现在就讲一讲,当初从沙巴去到吉隆坡念书的一点点小故事。

毕业后,又去中医学院念书,这个阶段所接触到的朋友又不一样了。 人生最有趣的地方就是在很年轻时,能够多接触到不同文化及教育背景的人, 虽然理想及世界观不一样,但是彼此都能够尊重乌包容,我们在改变世界时,也要随时修正自己的观点,重新认识自己与世界。

This video is all about my college moment with friends in Kuala Lumpur. It was something happened 20 years ago, but now I suddenly miss all my friends during the college time. Some of you might not know that I used to study in an art & design college, it was my very first time moving from a small town to a big city - Kuala Lumpur for further studies. That was the year of 1999. 

After graduated from art school, I noticed there was some kind of  calling to ask me to study Chinese Medicine as career. That was how my journey started to mix around with people from all walks of life. 

The most interesting part of life is that when we were young, we tended to have more opportunities to get in touch with people from different cultures and education backgrounds. 

Although our perceptions and worldviews are different, we need to respect and tolerate each other. When we want to change the world, we must always know the distance between ourselves and the world .

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Homodesty Consultancy
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#Homodesty #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #cosmetology #Friends #College
#中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #朋友 #艺术学院 

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