Tuesday, April 4, 2023

谦和堂针灸美容体验日,预约者可免费获得一次针灸治疗!Cosmetic Acupuncture Experience Day, get a free cosmetic acupuncture session now!

四月八日(星期六)为谦和堂针灸美容体验日,预约者可免费获得一次针灸治疗! 机会难得,位子有限,赶快行动哦~

April 8th (Saturday) is our Cosmetic Acupuncture Experience Day, make an appointment and get a free session now! Rare opportunity, limited seats, hurry up~ 针灸美容主要是通过调节气血的运行、调节脏腑的功能来达到美容的目的。按照西医的理论,是促进微循环、改善细胞代谢,促进代谢废物的排出,调节内分泌。 Cosmetic Acupuncture (also known as Facial Acupuncture) mainly achieves the purpose of cosmetology by regulating the movement of qi and blood and regulating the functions of viscera. According to the theory of Western medicine, it is to promote microcirculation, improve cell metabolism, promote the discharge of metabolic waste and regulate endocrine. 若出现面容憔悴,皮肤苍老晦暗、弹性减弱,皱纹渐增、黑斑丛生等,可以通过脸部针灸改善。通过针灸美容可以紧实肌肤、祛斑祛皱、美白润肤、消疮抗敏及放松情绪,舒解压力。 If the face is haggard, the skin is old and dull, the elasticity is weakened, wrinkles are increasing, and dark spots are clustered, etc., it can be improved through facial acupuncture. Facial Acupuncture beauty treatment can tighten the skin, remove freckles, dark patches and wrinkles, brighten and moisturize the skin, relieve sores and allergies, relax emotions, and relieve stress. #中医 #皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒 #针灸美容 #中医美容 #皱纹 #雀斑 #黄褐斑 #黑斑 #眼袋 #暗疮 #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness ##wrinkle #Freckle #Chloasma #Melasma #DarkSpot #eyebag #acne #pimple

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