
Sunday, March 30, 2008

2008年3月14日, 香港大学微生物学系主任袁国勇指出, 流感病毒不强; 加上今年冬天寒冷时间较长, 故流感扩散是意料中事。与此同时, 食物及卫生局长周一岳则说, 今年流感个案较去年2、3月稍多, 但若流感病毒无变种, 料高峰期过后, 情况很快回复正常。
2008年3月,狮城一家科技公司成功研制Vereflu晶片, 能在短短45分钟内捡验出一个人是否患上流行性感冒。该公司行政总裁陈淑彬博士也透露, 在新加坡每年死于流行性感冒的人多达600名, 晶片有助于医疗人员在最短的时间内, 将可能爆发的瘟症控制下来。
2003年5月6日, 美国华裔中医-毛小妹及丈夫白贵敦在《中国医药导报》发表论文: 预测2008年甲型流感病毒亚型(流感大流行的中医五运六气分析)
他们透露2008年运气五行火运太过, 加上2007年所发生的暖冬效应, 有利于病毒变种, 而今年将会爆发的大流感病毒会重现30年前的病毒株, 会导致人群香遍肺大虚。
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
山药 - “神仙之食” Shan Yao - Food from God

3.. 山药中的黏质液有促进荷尔蒙的合成作用,能帮助女性改善因荷尔蒙减少而产生的肌肤老化现象,经常食用能够增强肌肤保湿功能,使皮肤光滑有弹性。
1. 消化功能低下者,或患有胃肠道疾病导致消化吸收普通食物较困难者。
2. 需增强体质、提高免疫功能的人士。
3. 需要增加皮肤弹性及保湿功能、保持皮肤光滑滋润的女性。
Rhizoma Dioscoreae(Chinese Yam)
What is dioscorea? What is it used for?
Also known as the Chinese yam, dioscorea has been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Although there are approximately 800 different species of dioscorea, the Chinese yam is native to China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The plant consists of a climbing vine studded with heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers that smell like cinnamon. The yam consists of the plant’s root, which is thick, spindle-shaped and white on the inside. The yams are harvested in the winter; after the outer bark is removed, the root is washed and allowed to dry in the sun, then dehydrated and cut into thick slices.
Chinese yam is classified as neutral and sweet. It is used as a tonic and serves to tonify the spleen and stomach, helps in treating poor appetite and listlessness due to deficiency of the spleen and stomach, or diarrhea, loose stool etc.
Chinese Yam root contains diosgenin, which has such effects as anti-fatigue, anti-inflammation, and anti-stress etc. It has also other nutritious elements, such as saponins, choline, beta-carotene, amino acids, vitamin C, iron, amylase (enzyme), protein, and starch etc that may improve immune system and promote healthy skin.
The general dosage of dioscorea is 3 grams of root concentrated powder per day.
Chinese yam not suitable for constipation people. It should also not be taken if a patient’s symptoms include abdominal pain and swelling.
As always, consult with a qualified, licensed health care provider before taking any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
迟到的感言 -- Late annouced new

解剖学课本在今晚十时正结束, 突然有同学大喊〝不妙了, 反对党攻下了东方之珠! 〞年轻有为的西医老师见大事不妙, 立刻宣布停课。
This happened on last Saturday night (3/8/2008); it is around 9pm while we were having our human body anatomy class. Out of sudden…one of our classmates shouts out loud,”Oh my goodness, this getting worst, the opposition parties won most of the votes in the island of pearl!”
After listening to this new, our young and handsome lecturer, Dr. Yu immediately dismissed the class.
80岁的针灸老师大喝 "他妈的…狗养的东西, 他们如果敢上来我的中医学院杀人放火泄恨, 我以我的老命和他们拼了! 我一定要保着我的学生的安全, 我老了, 你们以后是中医的希望!"
80 years old acupuncture lecturer couldn’t control his temper and yell out,” mother fucker! If they dare to kill any one of my students, I am not going to let them step out of my college! I will stand here to protect my students, I am not afraid of death. All of you will continue my journey….to serve the people with traditional Chinese medicine!”
班上年龄最大的風水娘娘对着我们这些年轻人说, "我不想再看到513事件历史重演, 我失去得太多了, 快回家吧, 别在外头溜达了。"
Our oldest classmate – Madam Feng Shui advised us to go home earlier, according to her, she lost too much during the 513 case (13-5-1969).
我们大约30人匆匆忙忙地收拾了课本, 忐忑不安地快速离来学院, 而这个地方是40多年前发生种族及政治冲突所引发大屠杀血流事件的地区。
There are 30 of us, quickly packed our laptops and text books, feeling so sorry, and hoping we can leave the college with peace, our parents keep calling our mobile and remind us the location of our college is the place that May 13 racial riots happened 39 years ago.
我的身体并沒有因为一本手提电脑及几本厚厚的解剖学图谱而感到疲倦; 而是心情十分的悲痛及难过, 我爱我的国家….但是…我的国家爱我吗? 我的心里突然充斥着无数的疑团, 现在国家所发生的事就如《滿城盡帶黃金甲》里的故事情节….一手设计出一幅家宁国泰之美景,却在按地理出牌, 以霸权手段来停止任何宫廷里叛变机会, 又粉刷血流如注的皇宮, 改写史实!
I am physically and mentally tired and feeling very sad, I ask myself if I am so much loving my country, am my country really love me? That’s a bid question in my mind, what is happening in “Boleh” country is just like what is happening in the movie
波列国独立了50年, 如今一场公平及民主的全国竞选竟然可以令平民百姓陷入恐慌, 仿如军临大敌, 有亲身经历过历史流血事件的百姓们都心惊胆怯….
“Boleh” country had achieved independence for 50 years, yet people in this country still live in phobia, they are still afraid of any civil war happen if the current government losing too many votes through a fair election procedure. They basically afraid some politicians will plan something to destroy the country or create society instabilities.
不过,2008年3月8日这一天, 波列国百姓世世代代将永远记得这一天, 我们开始了解了什么是民主, 一步步走上公义之道路上。
However, on 9-3-2008, all the nation of “Boleh” should remember this in history…everyone of them, use their votes to change their country, and democracy is being fully understand, and the whole nation is excising it for a better future.
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