Wednesday, March 19, 2008

山药 - “神仙之食” Shan Yao - Food from God





3.. 山药中的黏质液有促进荷尔蒙的合成作用,能帮助女性改善因荷尔蒙减少而产生的肌肤老化现象,经常食用能够增强肌肤保湿功能,使皮肤光滑有弹性。

1. 消化功能低下者,或患有胃肠道疾病导致消化吸收普通食物较困难者。
2. 需增强体质、提高免疫功能的人士。
3. 需要增加皮肤弹性及保湿功能、保持皮肤光滑滋润的女性。


Rhizoma Dioscoreae(Chinese Yam)

What is dioscorea? What is it used for?
Also known as the Chinese yam, dioscorea has been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Although there are approximately 800 different species of dioscorea, the Chinese yam is native to China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The plant consists of a climbing vine studded with heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers that smell like cinnamon. The yam consists of the plant’s root, which is thick, spindle-shaped and white on the inside. The yams are harvested in the winter; after the outer bark is removed, the root is washed and allowed to dry in the sun, then dehydrated and cut into thick slices.

Chinese yam is classified as neutral and sweet. It is used as a tonic and serves to tonify the spleen and stomach, helps in treating poor appetite and listlessness due to deficiency of the spleen and stomach, or diarrhea, loose stool etc.

Chinese Yam root contains diosgenin, which has such effects as anti-fatigue, anti-inflammation, and anti-stress etc. It has also other nutritious elements, such as saponins, choline, beta-carotene, amino acids, vitamin C, iron, amylase (enzyme), protein, and starch etc that may improve immune system and promote healthy skin.

The general dosage of dioscorea is 3 grams of root concentrated powder per day.

Chinese yam not suitable for constipation people. It should also not be taken if a patient’s symptoms include abdominal pain and swelling.

As always, consult with a qualified, licensed health care provider before taking any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement.

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